Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Let's Hear It... ^^

Hari selasa adalah waktuku untuk bersantai sejenak dari aktifitas kuliah. Seharusnya sih kalo nggk ada homework, its to hang out with my boyfriend or just say something by message. In fact, I can't. Especially for today, He is very busy. I didn't get any news from him. Ok i try to be patient.. Sampe pada akhirnya ada sms jga jam 6pm.
Tintong..Tintong... (sms msuk.. hehee)
ehh ternyata uda slse dy..

be2rpa mnit kmdian..

"ak pergi rapat lgi ya sampe mlem.."


Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

morning everybody

liburan gni jadix kerja part time drmah.. ^^ (biasa cewek.. hehee.. ngepel, nyapu, jga'n adek..
di lain sisi jga liburan gni paling nggk asik klo punya pacar, coz bwa'nx kangen mulu, abizx jrang ketemu.. *jinjaro chingu..
ampun dah.. dilema sangad saya. do you have an idea for this ? hmm..

ok.. kita ganti topic yuk..
sekarang hari rabu..
aku msie nunggu ni berita2 ttg korea scholarship ni. Lagi mikir juga gimana caranya aku bisa k korea tanpa duit ortu. Kemaren si uda da pikiran buat ikut les korea. insya allah ni bisa jadi jalanku buat ke sana. cz klo bisa nguasai topic (soal-soal korea pke hangul) aj, jadi gampang..

ok deh.. gtu aj ak cuap2 hari ni. besok lanjut lagi ^^
aku selalu nunggu berita beasiswa korea.. klo kalian punya beritanya, tolong di share ke aku ya..

NB : in my room

Selasa, 28 September 2010

Task for intro to literature

Twilight saga III – Eclipse

What is the exposition of movie ?

  • Conflict

Every movie has many conflict or problem in oder to be fantastic movie. In Twilight saga III – Eclipse has many conflict too. There are between Jacob (tylor loutner) and Edward (Robert pattinson). Still like the movie before (twilight and new moon), Jocob still try to ask Bella simpatic. But Bella doesn’t accept it because she loves Edward forever. Bella to believe that Jocob is just her bestfriend. Beside that, Edward and his family and ofcourse Bella have a problem with Voltury family (the leader of vampire).

  • Klimaks

In the beganing of that movie still normal. Suddenly there is strange someone come to Bella’s bedroom. Edward and Bella doesn’t know at all. And than Edward tells to his father. His father guess that strange someone is also from vampire and will be occur big war. So Edward thinks maybe Jacob can help them. And Jocob accept it although in the beganing he doesn’t agree.

  • In the end

A few day later, the war happened. Voltury against Edward’s family (vampire) and Jocob’s group (wolf). But in the war, Edward doesn’t follow because Bella asked Edward to stay with her. After that Voltury defeated.

Ok. The most important and interesting part is Edward asked Bella to marry him. And ofcurse she accept it.

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

24 jam yang lalu , bete bgt e ak . gmna gk bete coba klo kya d mainn gtu . mksdx uda janji'n tpi gk jdi tyuz jdix d maju'n . oke'lah .. ehhh bsokx dy blng , gk jdi dtunda 3 hri berikut . hmm , mule agk bete tuh .. eh bsok'nya dy blang gk jdi .. Ampunnn ..
wajar nggk sih ak bete ? ne gk da sangkut pautnya ma sifat yang kekanak2'n kan ?
orng klo dgt'n jga bete'lah ..
y uda , mending gk usah aj gt , sklian wess ..
mles jua ak lma2 .

someone who canceled his appointment , please dont do like that again .
thanks ..